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Now then, what I truly wanted to let you all know, is that this blog is under construction! YAY! If you have been following me since Oklahoma City, or maybe as far back as my days on Whidbey Island, WA (SHOUT OUT to my Sister in Life and the Lord Danette Boyles and her hubs Alonzo!!!) when my dear friend and I were just two gals who loved to decorate and do weddings at the church. WELCOME! Or... WELCOME BACK I should say.
I have found that working with flowers is truly my pleasure and passion. After working on my cousin Macall's wedding this Summer, I realized I needed to find a way to get back to it. (Hugs and love to Gilmartin and Davis Fam! XOXO) Previously named Sweet B. Revival, my business and focus has changed and evolved since 2012 when I embarked on my solo mission in Oklahoma. My husband Jeremy was stationed at Tinker Air Force Base and I was doing flowers in our home and loving it! Crazy, messy, and stressful, but I enjoyed it so much. After challenging health issues, changing locations, taking a break, starting a coffee roasting business with the hubs (totally a great post, but a novel, so I'll save this for later), and moving to the country; I have learned a great deal about business, and geez, let's face it, life y'all.
We have been blessed with the opportunity to live and work in a century old farmhouse on property backed by the tranquil Smoots Creek (hence the name of the biz) near the small town of Cheney, Kansas. Jeremy has an amazing opportunity using his skills he learned as a Naval Air Crewman working on aircraft in Wichita. Our oldest is now in college at KU and we have the three other Lils growing up crazy fast at home. Wowzers! How time has flown. We continue in raising the fam, loving the pets mistaking them for human kiddos (mostly me) running around like headless unorganized chickens (uhh me), and of course lots of road trips and forced family fun: DIY & CRAFTING!! We deal with day-to-day life issues like many other families. Moving forward to keep the Faith, stay financially sound, mental health struggles, physical well being, a child on the Spectrum, loving and losing precious people; all things we are experiencing and part of our life together. Just like the signs say, live, laugh, love, well we laugh, we cry, and yep, sometimes we do a little yellin'. We have stories and we make fantastic memories. I would like to share these with others who may enjoy relating to our little nest.
I decided to "document" my business and life in blog form not for the attention, the goal of viral status, an amount of followers, or any kind of fame on the brain. I do this because if you're in my circle, I often say, "Honey, that's going in the book." Somewhere in here, since I was a little girl, there's been a book or lets say books, in my Spirit. Stories or experiences that I felt I would one day put in print. I asked myself this question, after giving advice to another creative mom in her own blogging adventures (insert shout out to http://www.sassypearlsofwisdom.com artist and blogger Amy Meyer): "Darlin' what if you never get to the book?" ...Uhhh... Sheesh, Bridge! That's a great question... What is my legacy?... What will I leave these four precious, beautiful girls with in the end but rubbermaid tubs of vases, mason jars, floral supplies and little bits of stems and leaves in crevices of the wood floors!?!... And, just like always, that still small voice inside gave me an answer that was simple. Just share the experience Bridge. Share the experience.
Follow for the flowers, but hang out for the fun.
Blessings to you and yours,
Oh Bridget I soo love this new adventure! I love your passion, creativity, kindness, compassion for others and that you show your faith to others. I love our heart to heart talks and the way we interrupt each other ( mostly me, sorry) because new ideas pop in our heads! We have spent many hours working on the Prairie Sun Outdoor Market and other ideas. Thanks so much for including me in your events with family and friends. I love the passion that Mara shows and she gives great hugs! Your family is very special to me, I hope you know that.
ReplyDeleteYour talent and creativity with flowers and graphic design amaze me. Rum Chatta makes for some fun laughs and can’t wait for more!
This blog is great because you have such passion and talent you need to share it with others. I can’t wait to see where it takes you and all that comes about because of it. I know you can accomplish anything you set your mind to, I believe in you and cherish our friendship. I’ll help in anyway I can. You go girl, can’t wait to read the next one!
Awwwwwwwww!!! Miss Lady! I am tearing up all over the place!! Awww feels! You are so wonderful and dear to me!!! Thank you for all your kind words, love, grace and patience with me over the last few years. I truly cherish our friendship and chats. You are AMAZING and I am so blessed to know you! Cheers to our new season and adventures together!😘 XOXO